Depiction uses state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to convert text into high fidelity blanks
Click a button and see ways to visualize your insights
Create multiple slides and choose content that fits best
Minimize yield loss by discussing 60% WIP blanks, so everyone is on the same page
Built by ex-MBB consultants and cutting edge machine learning engineers
Describe the slide or content to create: What's the insight, or "so what," that you want to show?
The more detail the better, but Depiction will even work with just a tagline.
Select the text description of the content you want to create, and click "Convert"
Regenerate entire slides or specific slide elements like tables and graphs, or add additional details - until you see a visualization you like.
Use the PowerPoint productivity tools you're familiar with (e.g., Mekko, think-cell, or any other firm specific add-ins) to polish slides until they're client ready.
Depiction is enabled by recent breakthroughs in machine learning research, that allows us to take your text descriptions and convert them into slides (though the graphs will only have dummy data).
Our AI-powered models make these predictions based on slides you and colleagues at your firm have created in the past - all without collecting any proprietary data.
Request access and join the preview release.